Son in the Tub by U.S. Army

Son in the Tub by U.S. Army

It takes courage to walk the authentic path, stay true to authentic self. It’s not at all about being apathetic — “Oh well, this is just who I am, take it or leave it.” No. The authentic path is about challenging your own beliefs and thoughts. Holding them up and saying “Where did this belief come from?” and “Is this really what I want to believe?” It’s about challenging your own actions — “Am I acting within my values?” It’s about developing an emotional awareness, defining your values and continually asking yourself is this a belief that serves me or should I throw it out. It’s asking “Am I doing this because it is expected or because it is inline with who I am and where I’m going?” It takes courage to not be the person that others think you should be, but instead who you really want to be. One on the authentic path questions their fear and discerns whether it is reasonable or if it is something to push beyond. Am I being self conscious or will I be transparent and honest with myself and the world? It’s moment by moment choices, developing emotional awareness and a detachment to outcome. Always moving upon one’s defined values means a willingness to let the chips fall where they may. Here’s to your authentic journey! Courage and Blessings!
Sandra M Bell
Author of “Lunchtime Joy Magnet” & personal coach