meditation to get rid of anxietyFriends, I know it looks like we are getting to the finish line of this pandemic thing. Yay! But, trying to exercise that extra measure of discipline is the thing, right, as it will probably be longer than we expect.  Ughh, still no vaccine in sight.

That said, I’ve been working with a lot of people with anxiety caused by COVID-19 issues and there are so many fears that are exasperated by this pandemic – fears of illness,death and financial loss/ instability. It’s as if everything has been turned on its ear.

Hang in! We will see an end to this and a return to normalcy (fingers crossed it is sooner than later).

I put together this short meditation (7.5 minutes) for anxiety as a rapid reset to calm. It includes the core fundamentals of mindfulness-based stress reduction. I think you will find it helpful and will be able to apply the principles of this meditation, with or without the recording, after one time through (although, I always love it when you join me for meditation).

Stay safe. Be well. Love you!

Sandra M Bell