Stuck in a rut-w-qtAs this year winds down, it is a good time to reflect back on what worked and what didn’t. What can be different and more inline with your authentic life in the coming year. Do you ever feel like the year is just a rerun of the previous year? I always feel it is important to do some vision work. In this process, I find it fun to envision possibilities that are a bit more grand, more exciting, and outside my current reality.

Challenge yourself to do some mental exercises that conjure up images of a 2015 that is extraordinary, different in small and big ways. Put them on your calendar — even if it is just a couple bucket list items. You don’t even have to fully believe they will actually happen at first, but start making small strides toward your bigger items. Start a loose-change cookie jar and throw extra coins in it every day toward those goals. As you feel a little weight growing in your jar, begin to act as if the goals are done deals. Everyday, tick off a few small steps toward the out of the ordinary or possibly grandiose and extraordinary things you’d like to see happen in the New Year. Now is the time to do your pre-paving to the best year of your life. Make it your first New Year’s resolution to just sit down and day dream some doozies! Blessings!
Sandra M Bell
Author of “Lunchtime Joy Magnet” & personal coach